Did you manage your 5+ a day today?
Fresh produce, like everything, has gotten more expensive, meaning that for some whānau eating tāmatoa hauora kai (fresh healthy food) every day has become harder than ever.
Here's where you can help!
This Christmas we are asking for help from individuals, groups, organisations and businesses to fund our project to supply weekly Fruit and Vegetable Packs for WELLfed Learners in 2023.
If we can raise $6000 per term we will be able to supply free weekly fruit and vegetable packs for all WELLfed Learners!
Remember, WELLfed is a registered charity with donee status, so all donations over $5 are eligible for tax credits.
We want to ensure WELLfed Learner whānau have access to fresh fruit and veggies every week.
Our plan is to work with partners such as our local kai Co-op and food rescue partners, as well increasing produce from the WELLfed garden, to ensure our Learners can "bring home the veggies"!
Every dollar counts towards this project - you can help us further:
Tell your friends, whānau, work mates, managers, and local business owners?
Share this with everyone!
Is your work social club or service organisation hold a fundraiser at this time of year?
Pass this email on to the organiser!
More info: www.wellfed.kiwi/fruitandveggiedonations